June, 2022
do what you can
May, 2022
van buren place
drawing of a house
May, 2019
building up in flames - part 3
explorations of the Solingen, DE arson attack of 1993
May, 2019
building up in flames - part 2
drawing the counter-memorials of the arson attack
May, 2019
building up in flames - part 1
redrawing the Solingen, DE arson attack of 1993
May, 2018
ouroboros and the snake with two heads
a monograph
May, 2018
“Extrastatecraft” and the economicon
envisioning a US/Mexico frontier
November, 2018
country music and other melancholies
exploration into the country western genre
November, 2016
a hollow, a museum
material, shelter, house, museum
November, 2016
Palazzo dei Congressi, Sant'Agnese in Agone, and Auditorium Parco della Musica
November, 2015
Rosa Parks Transit Center
1/8" = 1' structural model of the Detroit bus depot
November, 2016
city of one’s refuge
navigating field conditions and inhabiting liminal spaces
May, 2016
buoyancy, tread, + cage
community boathouse on Cayuga inlet
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